Mastering Biomechanics: Dr. Neeraj Mehta’s Perspective on the Pitfalls of Strength Training

Introduction: In the realm of strength training, a profound understanding of biomechanics is not just a desirable skill; it’s a necessity. I

Title: The Effects of the BMXStrength® Technique on Muscle Activation

Authors & Researchers: Abstract This study, conducted on October 19, 2020, at the American Sports Fitness University in Columbus, Ohio, USA, aimed

Electromyographic Analysis of Shoulder Overhead Press with Mid-Point Pause and Forceful Push: Enhancing Injury Protection, Fast-Twitch Fiber Activation, and Hypertrophy

Title: Electromyographic Analysis of Shoulder Overhead Press with Mid-Point Pause and Forceful Push: Enhancing Injury Protection, Fast-Twitch Fiber Activation, and Hypertrophy Abstract: