Unveiling Effective Strategies for Correcting Poor Posture: Evidence-Based Insights

Article is written by Dr. Neeraj Mehta (Ph.D. in Human Biomechanics and Alternative Medicine) Ever catch yourself slouching over your phone, feeling

Unlocking Peak Performance: A Trainer’s and Coach’s Complete Guide to Running Biomechanics

Unlocking Peak Performance: A Trainer’s and Coach’s Complete Guide to Running Biomechanics: Written by Dr Neeraj Mehta (PhD. in Human Biomechanics and

Improved Analysis of Hip Muscle Activation: Comparing Barbell Hip Thrusts with Sumo Deadlifts to Determine the Best Exercise Choice

Authors: Dr. Neeraj Mehta, PhD, Dr. Santa March, Adam Smith, Dr. Alok Shrivastav (Department of Biomechanics, American Sports Fitness University) Abstract: Hip

Ultimate Guide to Trigger Point Therapy: Heal Muscle Pain Naturally [at Home, with Self-Massage]

Introduction: As the day wound down, a persistent ache settled into my shoulders and neck, a regular aftermath of a long day’s

From Muscle Imbalance to Mindful Motion: Transforming Fitness with Corrective Biomechanics and Holistic Practices

Move beyond the iron jungle and unlock your body’s true potential. This article delves into the transformative power of corrective biomechanics, a

Mindful Nutrition: Evidence-Based Strategies to Alleviate Anxiety and Enhance Mental Health

Intriguing and Focuses on the Gut-Brain Connection:

Anxiety got you down? Turns out, what you eat might be the key to unlocking calm. Dive into the intricate link between your gut and brain, and discover evidence-based strategies to nourish both through mindful eating. Dr. Neeraj Mehta, a biomechanics and alternative medicine expert, reveals the surprising impact of food on your mood and reveals his holistic toolbox for anxiety management.

The Future of Fitness: Body-Mind Balance to Body Focus

The Future of Fitness: Body-Mind Balance to Body Focus, with Dr. Neeraj Mehta Forget the chiseled physiques and relentless calorie counting. The