Exploring the Optimal Exercise for Building Strength, Power, and Agility: A Comparative Study on Squats and Lunges with Reference to Previous Research

Introduction Squats and lunges are widely recognised as prominent exercises for enhancing muscular strength, power, and agility. Both exercises incorporate dynamic movements

Title: The Impact of traditional Elbow Bend Angle versus straight elbow and flexed wrist on different Muscle Activation and Shoulder Joint Stability during the Pullovers Exercise

Abstract: This study, led by Dr. Neeraj Mehta, Professor of Exercise Prescription & Corrective Exercise at the Department of Biomechanics, American Sports

Electromyographic Analysis of Shoulder Overhead Press with Mid-Point Pause and Forceful Push: Enhancing Injury Protection, Fast-Twitch Fiber Activation, and Hypertrophy

Title: Electromyographic Analysis of Shoulder Overhead Press with Mid-Point Pause and Forceful Push: Enhancing Injury Protection, Fast-Twitch Fiber Activation, and Hypertrophy Abstract:

The Effect of Stance Width on Muscle Activation during Weighted Squatting: A Comparative Study

The Effect of Stance Width on Muscle Activation during Weighted Squatting: A Comparative Study Dated: 19th December, 2021 Introduction: Weighted squatting is

The Effect of Elbow Flaring between 80%-90% on Shoulder Pain during the Bench Press Exercise vs Elbows are between 55% – 65% angled from body: An Investigation using Electromyography (EMG) vs

Introduction: The bench press is a commonly performed strength training exercise that targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders. However, improper form during