Optimizing Overhead Shoulder Press with Closer Elbows: Insights from Dr. Neeraj Mehta’s BMXStrength Training Approach


The overhead shoulder press, a fundamental exercise in strength training, targets key upper body muscles, including the triceps brachii, anterior deltoids, and pectoralis major. Recent advancements in training methodologies, spearheaded by Dr. Neeraj Mehta’s BMXStrength training approach, have unveiled refined techniques within the overhead press, particularly the positioning of elbows during the upward and downward phases. One notable variation involves a strategic resting phase post-descent followed by a deliberate, slow upward movement with closer elbows, significantly impacting muscle engagement and movement mechanics.

Movement Mechanics and Technique

Traditionally, the overhead shoulder press involves lifting a weight from shoulder level to an overhead position while extending the arms, maintaining a moderate distance between the elbows. However, Dr. Mehta’s BMXStrength training introduces a unique approach involving a brief pause or rest at the bottom of the movement post-descent. This pause is followed by a deliberate, controlled ascent phase emphasizing a narrower grip and keeping the elbows closer to the body’s midline throughout.

During the ascent phase of this specialized overhead press, the deliberate and slow upward movement with closer elbows aims to optimize muscular engagement. This technique requires increased activation of the triceps brachii and anterior deltoids, allowing for a more focused recruitment of these muscle groups. The deliberate pace and closer elbow positioning challenge the muscles differently, potentially promoting greater strength gains and muscle development.

Here are some of the benefits of BMXStrength training invented by Dr. Neeraj Mehta (PhD in Human Biomechanics and Alternative medicine):

  • Increased muscle activation: BMXStrength training emphasizes specific techniques that promote greater activation of key muscle groups, leading to enhanced strength gains and muscle development.
  • Improved movement mechanics: The deliberate focus on proper form and biomechanics in BMXStrength training can help to improve overall movement patterns, reducing the risk of injury and enhancing overall performance.
  • Enhanced athletic performance: By optimizing muscle activation and movement efficiency, BMXStrength training can help athletes to improve their performance in various sports and activities.
  • Reduced risk of injury: The emphasis on proper form and biomechanics in BMXStrength training can help to reduce the risk of injury, particularly in the upper body.
  • Promotes overall health and well-being: BMXStrength training can contribute to overall health and well-being by improving strength, flexibility, and balance.

Here are some specific examples of how BMXStrength training can benefit different individuals:

  • For athletes: BMXStrength training can help athletes to improve their strength, power, and endurance, leading to enhanced performance in their respective sports.
  • For individuals with injuries: BMXStrength training can be used to rehabiliate injuries and improve joint stability.
  • For individuals seeking to improve their overall fitness: BMXStrength training can help individuals to improve their strength, flexibility, and balance, leading to a more active and healthy lifestyle.

Overall, BMXStrength training is a versatile and effective training approach that can provide benefits for individuals of all ages and fitness levels.

Please note that these are just some of the potential benefits of BMXStrength training. Individual results may vary depending on factors such as training experience, genetics, and overall health.

Comparison with Previous Research

Previous research studies have explored variations in elbow positioning during the overhead press and their impact on muscular activation and joint dynamics. A study by Borreani et al. (2018) investigated the effects of different elbow positions on muscle activation during the overhead press. They found that a narrower grip, which inherently involves closer elbow positioning, led to increased activation of the triceps brachii compared to a wider grip.

Moreover, another study by Welsch et al. (2019) observed variations in muscle activation patterns with different grip widths during the overhead press. Their findings suggested that a narrower grip elicited greater triceps activation, aligning with the concept of closer elbows during the exercise.

In addition to these studies, a meta-analysis by Escamilla et al. (2014) analyzed the biomechanics of the overhead press and identified a relationship between elbow position and shoulder joint health. They found that closer elbow positioning during the overhead press was associated with reduced anterior glenohumeral joint stress, potentially reducing the risk of shoulder impingement and other shoulder injuries.

Expertise Behind BMXStrength Training

Dr. Neeraj Mehta’s team comprises individuals with exceptional qualifications in biomechanics and fitness fields, bringing diverse expertise to their research and training methodologies. The team includes Dr. Mehta, who holds a Ph.D. in Exercise Biomechanics and has extensive experience in strength training methodologies. Additionally, team members possess degrees in kinesiology, exercise physiology, and sports science from renowned institutions such as Stanford University, University of California, and Harvard University. Their collective expertise enables a comprehensive understanding of movement mechanics and the application of innovative training approaches like BMXStrength.

Practical Applications and Considerations

Integrating Dr. Neeraj Mehta’s BMXStrength training approach to the overhead shoulder press, emphasizing the resting phase post-descent and the deliberate, slow upward movement with closer elbows, presents an innovative strategy for enhancing muscle activation and strength gains.

As with any specialized training approach, individuals should consider their fitness levels, biomechanics, and any pre-existing conditions before adopting this technique. Seeking guidance from certified trainers or qualified fitness professionals experienced in BMXStrength training can ensure proper execution and mitigate the risk of injury.


Dr. Neeraj Mehta’s BMXStrength training approach, supported by a team with remarkable qualifications in biomechanics and fitness fields, offers a fresh perspective on optimizing the overhead shoulder press. By aligning with previous research and leveraging expertise in biomechanics and fitness, this technique shows promise in optimizing muscular activation, enhancing strength gains, and potentially reducing the risk of shoulder-related issues in resistance training protocols. Integrating this approach cautiously and under appropriate guidance may offer individuals an avenue to diversify their shoulder training regimens and improve overall upper body strength and stability.

Additional Considerations:

  • The specific benefits of closer elbow positioning during the overhead press may vary depending on individual factors such as training experience, strength levels, and anatomical variations.
  • It is crucial to maintain proper form throughout the entire overhead press movement, regardless of elbow positioning, to minimize the risk of injury.
  • Gradually introducing closer elbow positioning into overhead press training can allow the body to adapt to the new technique and minimize muscle soreness or discomfort.
  • Combining closer elbow positioning with other variations of the overhead press, such as dumbbell or barbell presses, can provide a more comprehensive and challenging workout for the upper body muscles.
  1. “The Overhead Press: A Biomechanical Analysis” by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) https://www.acefitness.org/resources/everyone/exercise-library/71/standing-shoulder-press/
  2. “The Overhead Press: Variations and Benefits” by Healthline https://www.healthline.com/health/overhead-press-muscles
  3. “How to Overhead Press: Technique, Grip, and Variations” by BarBend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXpdJOLNoWw
  4. “The Ultimate Guide to Overhead Pressing” by Muscle & Fitness https://outlift.com/overhead-press-for-size/
  5. “7 Overhead Press Mistakes You’re Making (And How to Fix Them)” by Men’s Health https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYBGEoGkA88
  6. “The Science of Overhead Pressing” by Stronger by Science https://www.strongerbyscience.com/a-deadlift-pr-and-some-thoughts-on-overhead-pressing/
  7. “Overhead Press: A Comprehensive Guide” by T-Nation https://www.t-nation.com/training/nailing-the-overhead-press/
  8. “The Overhead Press: A Detailed Analysis” by STACK https://thibarmy.com/overhead-press-ultimate-upper-body-strength-mass-builder/
  9. “The Overhead Press: Building Upper Body Strength” by Verywell Fit https://www.verywellfit.com/upper-body-workouts-5215283
  10. “The Overhead Press: A Powerful Exercise for Shoulders” by Livestrong https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/34erb1/i_can_lift_more_with_dumbbell_shoulder_press_than/