Sculpt Your Strength, Inside and Out: A Holistic Approach to Wellness with Yoga and Martial Arts

Holistic Healing Through Movement: by Dr. Neeraj Mehta, PhD As a fitness therapist with over 30 years of experience, I’ve witnessed countless

Conquering Upper Back Imbalances with Precision: Efficacy of the BMXSTRENGTH Technique in a Randomized Controlled Trial

Title: Addressing Upper Back Imbalances: Efficacy of the BMXStrength Technique in a Controlled Trial Abstract: Upper back muscle imbalances lead to postural

Billionaires’ Fitness Secrets: Unleashing Your Inner Titan

Written by Dr. Neeraj Mehta I’ve seen innumerable journeys to physical and emotional well-being as a human biomechanics and alternative medicine expert

Fake Training Volume Exposed: The Secret to Faster Muscle Growth and Less Gym Time.

The Fitness Fiasco: Why More Time Doesn’t Equal More Muscle (and What to Do About It): Time is precious, especially when you’re

Nutrition and Biomechanics: A Synergistic Approach to Enhanced Strength Training Outcomes

Author: Dr. Neeraj Mehta (PhD. Human Biomechanics & Alternative Medicine) & Team Abstract: Strength training, a cornerstone of physical fitness, involves applying

A Comparative Study of Push and Squat Movements to Investigate the Impact of Tempo on Muscle Activation and Perceived Muscle Pump

Abstract The term “tempo,” which refers to the rate at which an exercise is performed, continues to be a contentious issue in